Della Tyrrell Ministries


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"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" ...... Matt.5:3

Della Tyrrell Ministries (DTM) is a non -profit, christian humanitarian ministry dedicated to bringing help, healing and hope to those suffering from poverty, despair, illiteracy, disease and abuse through tangible demonstrations of love.
Our present focus is in the Philippines.
North of the city in an area called Tondo, a pastor and family lost their home and church in a fire.   DTM was able to supply blankets, clothing and a musical instrument.
On the island of Palawan we have partnered with a local ministry.   The Pedregoza's have passion and vision for the youth and people of Palawan.  They work with the children in the school system,  also the uneducated children in the slum areas outside of town and in nearby villages. 
These are some of the ways we have assisted them:
  • the building of a small Sunday School classroom
  • youth and young adult mentorship program
  • financial support for the family - food, clothing, education
  • training and equipping seminars for leaders
  • the purchase of land for future developement
  • shipping of 400 gift bags that were distributed to children at Christmas
  • provide spiritual mentoring, guidance and encouragement to lead pastoral couple
  • medical supplies to local hospital and clinic
  • sent shipment of clothing and other supplies for local pastors


  • continued financial support
  • continued mentoring program
  • continuation of shipments of supplies
  • repairs to present buildings
  • funds to purchase livestock and agricultural needs for marketing and self sufficiency
  • funds to build a new and larger church on the recently purchased land.   The present church building would be used for training purposes and a jr.kindergarten school.

Presently the pastors family of five and several young people live in their small home.  The young people are being trained to assist in the work and proper housing is crucial at this point. Some of the youth are living here out of necessity for various reasons: some being orphaned,  some coming from families with economic struggles.


After several visits to the Philippines Della made contact with a pastor who had several orphans living with his family in very crowded and poor housing at the back of his church.   Many of the children were sleeping on the floor and there was no water supply. 

After an evening spent with the children Della retired to bed; only to have a dream where some of the children were walking down a road and were approached by a couple of other children.  "Where do you live?"  they asked.  "at my father's house!" was their reply.  Just a few nights before she had told them that "the world may call you orphans but you have a heavenly father and you are his children.  He will never abandon or leave you and will always love you." 

One night soon after returning home to Canada, Della had a dream.  In this dream she saw the construction of a building that was to become the children's home.  Thus soon after, The Father's House Children's Home was born!

  • 2006 with funds from a family inheritance we saw the completion of a two story building called The Father's House Children's Home
  • 2007 funds were donated and implemented for the drilling of a water system
  • currently there are 24 in residence
  • all children are in school.  Two of them in college
  • shipments of clothing and other supplies were sent
  • 200 gift bags were shipped in time for Christmas distribution to disadvantaged children in the area
  • 25 special Christmas gifts were donated by a family in the U.S.A.
  • a seminar was held for 18 church leaders and workers to train, equip and release
  • several donations were given to take with us in our luggage to distribute among the people
  • we had beds made for each child in the children's home
  • mosquito nets, bed mats, linens, household supplies and furniture were purchased for the children's home

There is need for a much larger facility to be built on higher ground closer to the college outside of Butuan City.  The present area is prone to much flooding.  Transportation costs are considerable for the college students because of the distance they have to travel each day.

The greatest pressing need here is for regular funding on an on going basis for:

  • education.  Paid tuition is required in the Philippines for all education, projects, tests,supplies and uniforms
  • food, clothing and medical costs


Everyone can participate!

  • provide a direct financial gift toward any of the needs mentioned above
  • provide monthly support or one time financial gifts
  • provide funds to ship 1 or more boxes of gifts, supplies etc. 
  • do your own fund raising project: you, your friends, youth group, cell group, school, sports team, class, ladies group, church, co-workers or company......everyone!

Our supporters gain great satisfaction knowing that all donations and items go directly to those in need.


In a world that seems to be filled with so much desperation, poverty, disease and hopelessness, it would seem like nothing could be done.  How can any of us  make a difference?  To that one person you help, you make all the difference!


© Della Tyrrell Ministries